

Entries in art (139)


Eye's don't lie. Gaetano's work is pretty amazing.

Ever since I had dinner at Ruth's house the other night, I have been geeking out on Gaetno Pesce.  I found this video.  Damn, I wish I spoke Italian.


Q-Tip of a Tribe called Dress

Peep this bugged out sculpture.  I was at dinner at my friend Ruth
Shuman's last night.  She is a good friend, and a crazy art collector. 

She does amazing things to fight our High School dropout crisis with her organization Publicolor.

had this full size wedding dress in her dining room made out of
Q-Tips!  The artist's name is Vadis Turner. It was amazing how you
didn't see an ounce of glue.  Her Entire apartment is art. Literally.
All of the doors and cabinets are completely customized. The doors are
made of solid silicon.  They are so quiet when then close. The floor
was hand poured and painted. Every piece of furniture is a one off.
Prototypes for Knoll. The artist who did 90% of the work is this italian named  Gaetano Pesce.  The video is of one of Gaetano's silicone lamps. Bugged.

People own art and live AROUND it. Ruth live's IN it. Click here to see more.


A Visit at the Zoo

I visited the Zoo york crew today.  They gave me an overview of Fall 2009.  Bonkers! Kimou Meyer (a.k.a. Grotesk)
is the creative director.  I had not seen him in a long while.  He is
an amazing artist and thinker.  He hooked me up with this great signed
litho he did for the Obama campaign. 

Kimou has some cool
artifacts in his office.  The Mexican beaded skull is from the South
Pacific Coast of Mexico and is an artifact for the "Day of the Dead".
The Wrestler Shrine is from Mexico city and is a light box that brings
you luck. 

His bugged out  Mickey Mouse is from the Mexican artist Date Farmers:

To see my camera click here

James Jean

This kid is nice with it. Definently worth staying up on...

Source: James Jean

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