Entries in BALLS (79)
Glenn Beck is a Religious Man?!? WTF. I had a dream...
These are indeed dark times. Jeff Beck? I miss old school SNL.
Coming Clean.
My grandmother always taught me that "it is never to late to say you are sorry". So for that, I give props to Mark McGwire. On the other hand, his apology was lukewarm at best. For him to be so deluded to think that "fighting the effects of aging" and avoiding "injury" isn't a bonus in catching 70* homers....I mean c'mon money. The game of ostrich is gotta' end. Who's next?
Let's give Roger Maris his record back (61*). Now that would be redemption for the MLB. Big look.
What ever it takes...dog.
For the dog who has the urge to merge. I ain't mad at this one. From a Brazilian company called doggieloverdoll.
My Favorite Brad Pitt role to date- him as anarchist "Tyler Durden" in fight club. I love the random graphic above. New screen saver for sure. Gonna' watch Fight Club tonight...probably should wait till the kids are sleep. Right?