

Entries in RIFFS (67)


How long until a logo is out there before it gets tattooed?

Whoa.  On the "random front, this is a picture of our new Cut & Sew logo as a tattoo?! It has been out since Holiday.  It was two years until I saw my first Rhino Tattoo on someone. 

Got this forwarded to me yestreday. The dude got it on his "flank". His name is Josh Hernandez....from Ontario, California.  Josh, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say Thanks or sorry??? Is it even real? Bic pen???  Dunno. Shit looks like it hurt either way.



Coming Clean.

My grandmother always taught me that "it is never to late to say you are sorry".  So for that, I give props to Mark McGwire.  On the other hand, his apology was lukewarm at best.  For him to be so deluded to think that "fighting the effects of aging" and avoiding "injury" isn't a bonus in catching 70* homers....I mean c'mon money.  The game of ostrich is gotta' end.  Who's next?

Let's give Roger Maris his record back (61*).  Now that would be redemption for the MLB. Big look.


#Dirtysanchez blues.

How the Jets opened up this year, had me hyped for a great NFL season.  Mark Sanchez was looking like a killer.  New coach.  The whole thing felt like maybe just maybe.  I'm so defeated my Sundays are now relegated to checking score updates on my iPhone rather than watch the games.  So much for a Jets playoffs. I guess I'll hop the Giants bandwagon for  a minute.  Atleast Rutgers is still in the top #25. NJ!!!!!


GIVE ME BODY! F' Karl Lagerfeld. (F is for Fat)

I'm sorry, I gotta' break out the soap box folks.  Karl Lagerfeld really needs to suffer from an acute case of humility.  I hope he falls down, hemorrhaging from it.  Check out this piece from UK's Telegraph where Lagerfeld is noted in an interview as saying "No one wants to see curvy women."  He goes on to say "You've got fat mothers with their bags of chips sitting in front of the television and saying that thin models are ugly."

Karl. I think all the food deprivation is making you mad. Eat a meal instead of having a caffeine colonic and eating 3 classic 140 calorie South Beach Diet bars a day.  Maybe have a cookie.  I don't eat chips.  I'm not a mother, maybe a MF'er-- and I don't watch TV.

Also, really???  A guy designing for women who doesn't want to see curves?  Really mate? That is like an architect designing a building without windows.

I live on curves.  Ever since I was breast fed. Who wants

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End of Summer Blues.

I've been talking shit that I can't wait for Fall. Now that it's here I miss Summer.  I love this session with pianist Gene Harris of the Ray Brown Trio.  Makes me regret never learning how to play an instrument.  Only shit that may be more of a magnet is the jazz Flute.  Ask Ron Burgundy.