

Entries in BOOKS (11)


BOM is the Bomb.


Very fresh lamps.

from their site, here:

Bomdesign is a dutch design studio formed  by Michael Bom and Antoinet Deurloo.

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PULP by Neil Krug/ Joni Harbeck

Damn the 70's were sticky.  This is a photo homage to PULP.  Check the site for details on the book.  PULP: A COLLABORATION BETWEEN SUPERMODEL JONI HARBECK & PHOTOGRAPHER NEIL KRUG.  You can buy prints on the site as well, which are pretty epic.

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My artwork for Anthony Zuiker's new Digi-Novel: LEVEL 26!!!!!

Congrats's to my man Anthony Zuiker! Anthony is the creator of the hit TV show CSI. He is a serious gamechanger! I was with him this Saturday on a panel at comic-con, where he introduced his new "digi-novel" to the world.

The book launches on September 8th. I did 20 illustrations inside the novel and the cover design.  When I met Anthony, I was so impressed by the concept of this 360 degree experience, that is largely digital-- that stems from a book, which is so analog-- I had to get involved.  He was and is so passionate about this project, that it is contagious.  We riffed on the idea of the book itself having the charm of a graphic novel, but the intensity of a real read.  Also, since I'm such a geek for Alice in Wonderland, I figured-- let me be his Peter Newell.  I went for a slightly naive style.  The illustrations were inspired by the text.  He would send me excerpts, and I would riff off of those.

Level 26: Dark Origins, to be published by Dutton, is the first in a series in which each book will be supplemented with 20 videos, or "cyber-bridges," featuring actors playing characters from the novel.

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"Rainbow in Your Hand" by Masashi Kawamura


Created by Japanese art director and copywriter Masashi Kawamura, this Rainbow In Your Hand flip book is

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Epic!!! "OK" by Shitdisco

This is an amazingly clever video for Shitdisco's song "OK". Pop-up books amaze me.  I've been wanting to do one and this is the ultimate proof of concept!

Directed by Price James. (