

Entries in POLITICS (41)


Glenn Beck is a Religious Man?!? WTF. I had a dream...

These are indeed dark times. Jeff Beck? I miss old school SNL.



My Favorite Brad Pitt role to date- him as anarchist "Tyler Durden" in fight club.  I love the random graphic above. New screen saver for sure.  Gonna' watch Fight Club tonight...probably should wait till the kids are sleep. Right?



GIVE ME BODY! F' Karl Lagerfeld. (F is for Fat)

I'm sorry, I gotta' break out the soap box folks.  Karl Lagerfeld really needs to suffer from an acute case of humility.  I hope he falls down, hemorrhaging from it.  Check out this piece from UK's Telegraph where Lagerfeld is noted in an interview as saying "No one wants to see curvy women."  He goes on to say "You've got fat mothers with their bags of chips sitting in front of the television and saying that thin models are ugly."

Karl. I think all the food deprivation is making you mad. Eat a meal instead of having a caffeine colonic and eating 3 classic 140 calorie South Beach Diet bars a day.  Maybe have a cookie.  I don't eat chips.  I'm not a mother, maybe a MF'er-- and I don't watch TV.

Also, really???  A guy designing for women who doesn't want to see curves?  Really mate? That is like an architect designing a building without windows.

I live on curves.  Ever since I was breast fed. Who wants

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Glenn Beck is a TOOL!

People watch this dude and actual buy into his delusions. This is so random.  He is random. Watch these videos-- there is communist art at NBC!  Steady on conspiracy theories Glenn old boy.  He creeps me out.  Reminds me of "The Voice of London" on BTN from "V for Vendetta".  He's like the Vince McMahon of News...arrgggghhhhhhhh!!!!!


Joe Wilson is a tool.  FAIL.

Man-- don't shout out like a bratty school kid... Way to grab your 15 minutes dickface.  I don't care if you agree or disagree, just be respectful.  It's hard to hear at first, but yes, at 1:28 into this clip, the President of the United States was indeed heckled while addressing Congress. The outburst came from Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina, who shouted, "you lie!" as Obama argued that his health care plan would not cover illegal immigrants.