

Entries in NO! (2)


"Sleeptrip" is why dating blows.

Check out this site. A random search of 400 different love letters.  A project by artist Asia Wong---from New Orleans.  Very emo.  Reminds me that being married isn't all bad.  Once Bush is out of office--- all this emo and nihilism hopefully leaves with him. So 2008.


Bailout? Bailout these nuts.

I do not understand all this talk of bailing out the auto industry.  Enough already. Full stop. Period.  These characters and Pelosi are acting like a bunch of tools-- changing the rules on the fly and using the threat of the sky falling if they do not fix this mess.  I do not care what your political affiliation is or isn't-- the rest of "the real world" doesn't operate this way.

The images attached are ones I grabbed in 30 seconds off of  These are some of the cars that GM makes.  Beleive it or not, these images are for 2008 and or 2009 models.  No these are not used car listings, or from 1998.  They just look that way.  That may be why GM is shitting the bed. 

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