Entries in FILM (22)
"Where the Wild Things Are"- New Trailer!
Spike Jonze is the man. I can not wait to see this!!!!
X-MEN. The gift that keeps on giving!
Peep the Trailer! X-Men Origins! 2009!!!!!!!
G-Love reps the Warriors
My man G. Love (From G.Love and Special Sauce fame) sent over images from his current tour. He is repping an Ecko Unltd. "Warriors" T-shirt. Big up! He is a wildly talented performer and hails proudly from Philadelphia-- which I don't hold against him. He uses his harmonica to seduce beautiful women. It works--- I have seen it in action...
The Warriors is a cult classic action film from 1979, directed by Walter Hill. It is based on a multi-culti street Gang that comes from Coney Island, NY. It is campy as all hell-- but wildly influential on the PUNK scene and NYC street culture. A modern-day remake of the film is set to be directed by Tony Scott, with a tentative release date of 2010. The remake will include more realistic gang members and try to create a modern version of the story, set in LA. I gotta' learn how to play a harmonica...or any instrument....
for more Warriors gear click here.
Cory Booker is the Mayor of Newark , NJ. I am proud to know him. He just put up a new site and he is blogging. He's a fascinating guy. Worth following what he does and supports. They made a great movie about him called "Streetfight that was nominated for an Academy Award in 2006. Worth seeing...