

Entries in gamechanger (106)


Miles Davis- Recognize!!!!!!!!

Miles Davis.  Interviews of Miles are rare.  His performances defined cool. This is "Agitation"-- a lesser known record, performed probably in the mid 1960's with Ron Carter, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter and  Tony Williams . The second video is "Walkin'", performed on November 7, 1967 at the Stadthalle, Karlsruhe, Germany. This is an old one---way before my time...and for sure isn't one of my favorites.  But watching it, the way it was filmed, the vibe--   makes me want a time machine. But mostly it makes me regret never learning how to play an instrument.  He personified cool and beyond.  Even as he got older.  He was a stud. I love geeking out on old Miles records.  I own every single one...even the later ones that got a little weird.  Love those too.



Cory Booker is the Mayor of Newark , NJ.  I am proud to know him.  He just put up a new site and he is blogging. He's a fascinating guy.  Worth following what he does and supports. They made a great movie about him called "Streetfight that was nominated for an Academy Award in 2006.  Worth seeing...


Gervais Wisdom

"If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you have ever tried."- Ricky Gervais, quoted in the London Times

He is a comic genius. Our generations Peter Sellers.


HAJIME SORAYAMA- "Robot Sexy" Book

A must have book.  Pretty much only going around in paperback.  When I started to learn how to airbrush back in Lakewood, NJ-- I'd obssess over the meticulous detail of this guys work.   The influence of this guy is pretty endless.  You see his hand writing all over the place.  Particularly in style culture--daft punk, etc.  To think this was all airbrushed...and in 1983!?


I gotta' get one of those!

Damn--Ironman is real!!!!!!!!

LONDON —  A Swiss adventurer using a jet-propelled wing has flown across the English Channel from France in less than 10 minutes.

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