Entries in geek (118)
This will put your problems in perspective.
Warning: This is a "Kum-ba-yah" post. "Oh, the humanity of it all!" When I was a kid growing up in Lakewood, NJ-- my dad would every once in a while break out a cheapo telescope. He'd set up a folding chair on the front yard late at night, and would fill-up a thermos with hot chocolate. We'd go outside and he'd have me peer into the viewfinder--- up at the stars. All I wanted to do was get more of the hot chocolate-- well past my bed time. My dad is/was an avid reader of Issac Asimov, and a real nerd for astronomy and space. I never got "why" back then? Back then was "why".
This is a cool story. All be it geeked out. There is nothing more humbling than looking up there at night and thinking about just how small and irrellevant our headaches (however real or manufactured) can be.
Visible and infrared images have been snapped of a planet orbiting a star 25 light-years away."
The "Airzooka"-- I just ordered 2.
I first played with one of these things out at Humanhead studios. They are great. So stupid and meaningless-- yet fun. I got 2 of them. One for me. And one for my son. Perfect. More proof that I have the maturity level of a 14 year old.
Force Unleashed review from Escapist Magazine
These guys at the escapist have a brand defining, and entertaining way of reviwing games. High marks on editorial flair-- even when you want to disagree. Geeked out. Even a non-gamer can appreciatte the swagger. Sort of feels like the first time you saw Dennis Miller doing stand-up: you can't understand everything that is being said, as it is loaded with smarty pants innuendo-- but clearly this guy has an audience. Respect.
So fucking Random. Ben Stiller?! Peep the saran wrap suit!
Wow. Kirin beer. I love Ben Stiller, but talk about under utilizing the guy for what he is known for? Atleast they got it right with Michael Jackson-- but a scooter? Maybe.