

Entries in NEWS (72)


You Can't handle the Truth...

Baseball is America.   The ultimate metaphor.  This weekend's A-ROD  story has nothing to do with steroids or cheating.  It has everything to do with the fact that we don't want to talk about reality. The truth.  We love playing osterisch.  From our economic crisis to deifying our heroes...we like it drunk, messy and askew.  It's all a comic tragedy really.  Reminds me of 2 great scenes from 2 great movies.

1.) Tell me Colonel Jessup (Jack Nicholson) is not Bud Selig?  I love this scene from "A Few Good Men".

2.) When President Muffley (USA PRESIDENT, played by Peter Sellers) calls the Russian President in Kubrick's classic "Dr. Strangelove".  Tragic...but so polite.


MARGARITO. Put an Asterisk on it.

Antonio Margarito and his trainer are temporarily suspended. Surprise, surprise.  I'm just saying....I was at The Cotto vs. Margarito fight in Vegas 6 months ago.  Makes you wonder if his hands were all "plastered-up" then...that explains all of Miguel's internal bleeding, etc.  Cement in the glove tape? Whoa.  By the 6th round the shit is like carrying bricks in your gloves. We will never really know.  Cheaters suck.

From Reed Saxon / Associated Press:
Boxer Antonio Margarito, photographed after Friday's weigh-in, was temporarily suspended on Wednesday after the California State Athletic Commission announced it found a "foreign substance" in the boxer's hand wraps

Click to read more ...


Say no to Crack--

Obama is getting to keep his "Crack-berry" afterall. Supposedly it has special "security encryption". This will be the holy grail for hackers...


Much Better than 9/11...

The last time my office spontaneously became a theater for the news of the day, was on 9/11.  My staff gathered on both floors, as we watched history in the making...and ate up some popcorn.  What a great way to start the week off.


The NEW New York Times...

This is brilliant.  Really take your time searching this site.  CLICK HERE! What the NYTimes "could" read like...on July 4th, 2009. An amazing spoof site, supposedly created by the YES MEN.  Pretty epic...I wish I thought of this one...
