

Entries in RIFFS (67)


Okay, I get it- the Economy is in the Shitter-


The left side of my face cramps up whenever I put the news on lately. 
I get it.  But can someone report some good news please? I'm saying?!
And this Glenn Beck?  He's a tool.  He's on some "end days" shit. 
Lately, he makes Bill O'Reilly seem like Opie. He gives me face cramps.


Sir Paul has Balls

Paul McCartney is no sissy.  He will play a concert in Israel, despite being told by a Hamas leader that his "life is in jeopardy" if he performs.  I wonder what John would of thought about this?  All ya' need is love.

The threats against McCartney came from Omar Bakri, also known as Omar
Bakri Mohammad, who was the leader of Al-Muhajiroun, a London-based
Islamist organization with the stated goal of creating a worldwide
Islamic state starting in Britain. "If he values his life, Mr.
McCartney must not come to Israel," Bakri was quoted as saying. "He
will not be safe there. The sacrifice operatives will be waiting for

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