

Entries in style (194)


GIVE ME BODY! F' Karl Lagerfeld. (F is for Fat)

I'm sorry, I gotta' break out the soap box folks.  Karl Lagerfeld really needs to suffer from an acute case of humility.  I hope he falls down, hemorrhaging from it.  Check out this piece from UK's Telegraph where Lagerfeld is noted in an interview as saying "No one wants to see curvy women."  He goes on to say "You've got fat mothers with their bags of chips sitting in front of the television and saying that thin models are ugly."

Karl. I think all the food deprivation is making you mad. Eat a meal instead of having a caffeine colonic and eating 3 classic 140 calorie South Beach Diet bars a day.  Maybe have a cookie.  I don't eat chips.  I'm not a mother, maybe a MF'er-- and I don't watch TV.

Also, really???  A guy designing for women who doesn't want to see curves?  Really mate? That is like an architect designing a building without windows.

I live on curves.  Ever since I was breast fed. Who wants

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Bending trending lines. Vector Portraits by Jonathan Puckey.

I remember getting my first bootleg copy of Adobe Photoshop back in 1993.  I was running it on a Mac Clone. No joke.  That was before "layers"--- all the tricks were done in "alpha channels".  This is a great post for designers who geek out on the technology that is increasingly democratizing design. Jonathon is a super clever graphic designer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


In the same vibe as The Animals by Nacho Gil,  a project that Jonathan Puckey called ‘ Delaunay Raster ‘.

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I'm on a mission. 

A production electric motorcycle due out this year.  Designed by Yves Behar.

The first Mission One motorcycles will be delivered early in 2010, First year production will be 300 units. The first 50 units will be offered as the Premier Limited Edition version at a price of $68,995.

This is pure fire.  The "Mission 1" from Mission motors.

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"Devils in the Details." Close-Up shots of F/W 2009 B.R.E.

Enjoy the slideshow here.  Here are some detail shots of the "Black Rhino Exhibit" pieces that are on their way.






What is Jason from Friday the 13th, Batman and Gene Simmons all rolled together in one graf crew? Yes, yes. It's that time of year! Candy corn for stickup kids! A pop apocalypse. About to ship these off for all ecko heads.


I reached out when I saw these things photographed on just mannequins and was all "NO! Bethany! Help! Have the fella's who actually made these

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