

Entries in YES (445)


Joel Rea's work is a Bitch.

Joel Rea is a fine artist from Australia.  Clearly-- he is fascinated by details...and dogs.  Who doesn't like dogs?  Visit his site here.


Robotical Genius- #TheoJansen

One part Sculptor, one part engineer---1000% artist.  Theo Jansen's work is the kind of art that get's little kids to imagine they could do anything.  This is some Bionicle's on steroids.  Really inspiring stuff.

“Since 1990 I have been occupied creating new forms of life.  Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic material of this new nature. I make skeletons that are able to walk on the wind, so they don’t have to eat. Over time, these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as storms and water and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives.” --Theo Jansen.


See more and learn more about Theo here.

STRANDBEESTEN_TRAILER from Alexander Schlichter on Vimeo.



I'm Busting my cherry...again.

If you are in NYC over the next 30 days, please go visit the "Over The Wall" show at Art Next Gallery.  I am showing in a group show at Art Next Gallery, located at 530 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor.  We all did 2 pieces. I'm showing one Painting and one marble Sculpture.  This is my "first" official exhibition of fine art--- since i was say 19 years old. There are some amazing artists from China, Russia and the states showing here including Alexander Melamid, Ai Weiwei, and Dubossarsky and Vinogradov.  My very good friends and art

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#GENIUS. Benjamin Steiger Levine.

This guy has serious vision.  Serious chops. He is an amazing director. GO TO Spyfilms, and watch these videos.

Visit his work here.


Gehard Demetz's haunting Wooden Kids

Art is the shortest distance from the viewer to the sublime.  Gerhard is on another dimension entirely.  I've been thinking a lot how artists obsess with the idea of death and have overworked the "skull" for instance as a motiff.  To see someone working with "life" and "innocence" is refreshing.  He really nailed this work.

From one of favorite art sites

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