
Fri, February, 21, 2025 16:10

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Holy Diabetic Coma Batman!

Whoa. Long work day, ends in a gluttony and dessert laden dinner in Milan, Italy.  Felt like "berrypalooza".   3 glasses of Limoncello.

Limoncello [limon'tʃɛlːo]  (according to our friends in wikiville) is a lemon liqueur produced in Southern Italy, mainly in the region around the Gulf of Naples, the Sorrentine Peninsula and the coast of Amalfi and islands of Procida, Ischia and Capri, but also in Sicily, Sardinia, Menton in France and the Maltese island of Gozo. It is made from lemon rinds (traditionally from the Sorrento lemon, though most lemons will produce satisfactory limoncello), alcohol, water, and sugar. It is bright yellow in color, sweet and lemony, but not sour since it contains no lemon juice.

It's sweet. Strong. And good.  Especially after a 20 hour work day!!  I have had it many times, but somehow I think it is better in Italy than back in USA.  Atmosphere...

Reader Comments (3)

A yo! Stoked to see you're a BlackBerry user. How come I don't get my issues of Complex before they hit the stands? I may as well cancel my subscription. I don't mind paying more if it means I get that fresh sh*t sooner. Namean Marc. Get at me on this one. Then I peep the Complex blog daily (of course) and you're writing in their about stuff that's in the next issue, that I haven't seen yet. So then I have to avoid the blog until after I get my issue! What's the Kid! to do?

Oct 4, 2008 at 12:13 AM | Unregistered Commenteraalqadaffi

You sir are baller. Thank you for this blog, it gives me minutes of entertainment everyday that I will never get back. On another note, could you tell Geno to get on updating the Ecko Tattoos section of the website? I would love to see what other tattoos people have gotten.

Oct 5, 2008 at 2:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterGraham Martin


Okay ...the last time was 1992! You sent me boxes of T-shirts to pass out at Southern University in Baton Rouge! Lets talk soon - Robin Robinson

Jan 12, 2009 at 1:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterRobin Robinson
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