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Santa Fett?

Deck the Halls with Boba Fett.  From

Boba Fett is the coolest bounty hunter ever no matter what anyone else says so there. That being said, Boba is ready to bring all his admirers and fans some holiday cheer. This statue is one beautiful representation of a softer side of Boba Fett. This version of Boba is ready to spread that warmth you only get during the holidays. And as you can see, the biggest present he has to deliver is for Jabba the Hutt.

This handmade, fabric mâché Holiday Boba Fett Statue is just what any Star Wars themed holiday party needs. Just set him near the roasted Coruscant chestnuts, pour yourself a glass of Banta Nog, and pop in the olde Star Wars Holiday Special (you know, the one where Boba Fett was introduced). Now that's a fun holiday party. And the center of it all will be your Holiday Boba Fett Statue. And please notice that Boba Fett has replaced his blaster with a giant candy cane - it shoots peppermint snowflakes of holiday love. Awww.

Holiday Boba Fett Statue

  • This statue of everyone's favorite bounty hunter is ready to help you celebrate the holidays in geeky style
  • Handmade, fabric mâché statue
  • Dimensions: approx 9" x 7" x 4"

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