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Ahh...the theater of it all.

This muthaf@#er?  Whoa.  First Palin. Now "suspending his campaign"?  Who is managing his campaign? P.T. Barnum?  This guy is no joke.  Way to grab a headline John.  My head just imploded. 

From, below...

NEW YORK -- Sen. John McCain said he will "suspend" his presidential campaign on Thursday and will return to Washington to focus on the unfolding economic crisis. In the meantime, he called for a delay in the presidential debate scheduled for Friday night in Mississippi.

Sen. McCain also called on his Democratic rival Barack Obama to join him back in the capital.

"It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the administration's proposal. I do not believe that the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time," the Arizona senator said in statement issued by the campaign. "Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington."

[Image] Gerry Images

McCain speaks on the financial crisis Friday at a hotel in New York.

He also called on the Commission on Presidential Debates to delay Friday's debate, the first of three scheduled, and he asked President Bush to convene a meeting with congressional leadership, including both himself and Sen. Obama.

"It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem," he said. "We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved."

The Arizona senator compared the situation to that facing the nation following the 2001 terrorist attacks, saying politics must be put aside for the moment.

"We must show that kind of patriotism now," he said. "Americans across our country lament the fact that partisan divisions in Washington have prevented us from addressing our national challenges. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country," he added.

The bold McCain statement comes as political figures in Washington had begun to assess the fallout of the bailout package on the presidential race. Both candidates have been put into difficult situations: to oppose the package could appear irresponsible in the face of financial turmoil, but support is dicey without a broad national consensus that has not yet materialized.

The Obama campaign had no immediate comment. Sen. Obama is currently in Florida preparing for the Friday debate, which is set to focus on foreign policy issues."

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