Lost in a Pint & Munich
Was out last night in Munich. Got to catch up with Chad Hurley. Eventful day.
He also spoke at DLD-- in the morning, but his moderator kept interupting. Just imagine the CEO of YouTube, the founder of Mozilla/ Firefox, the founder of Glam.com and the head of Yahoo, all together on one panel, infront of like 1000 people--- and they couldn't get a word in edge wise because the moderator, a guy named Yossi wouldn't stop yapping.
Chad joined me to a dinner and at my international Ecko sales kick off. Folks from 17 countires came into town. We played poker. Listened to a tribe called quest. I autographed a bra-- and we managed to get lost walking the streets. Eventually me, Chad and Laurie took a cab, just to find out that the 20 minute cab ride was a 3 minute walk after all. Went to DLD party at midnight. Lady GaGa performed. It was a vibe.
Reader Comments (2)
Lady Gaga.... did you see the tampon string