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Food, Fashion & Fever--More Brazil

Here's some more video of my Time in Brazil.

Sao Paolo Fashion week was cool. Very well produced. It's amazing that all of the shows core production is underwritten-- so young designers can show in an impressive way, at far less costs than the USA. NYC fashion wek could stand to learn from it. The shows felt real-- and accesible to the people. I particularly enjoyed Alexandre Herchcovitch's show. He is a well respected Brazilian designer. His womens design is amazing--very street, but very sophisticated and sexy. I saw his men's show on the last night, and met up with him after the show.

I was promoting "design for life" at I.E.D. with founder of Aprendiz's Gilberto Dimenstein. We were scaling my S.E.E. program here in Brazil. There was a 90 day course, where 2 of the students in the end each one full rides (3 year schlorships) ti I.E.D.. It was really amazing. The work these kids did blew me away-- and the university was so generous with their time and resources-- particularly to grant not 1, but 2 schlorships. Wow.

The food is amazing in Brazil. I always make it a point to shop at the early morning markets--whenever I travel. This way I get the vibe of the culture, and how they re-imagine their food. I ate at Alex Atala's restaurant's. He is Brazil most famous contemporary chef. His food is some of the best I have had in years. Amazing usage of all the native peppers and oils. I visited a great little store/art gallery in Rio- called "La Cucaracha" -- hopefully I'll meet up with those cats at Comic Con in San Diego.

Yes I did the Favela's, but I also had to do the typical tourist visiting the Christo. I didn't realize how big it is, and the views were so crazy. Also, I watched as the USA blew a 2-0 lead over Brasil, to lose 3-2 in soccer. Brazilian Soccers fans are rabid about the sport. It makes sense, as all the great players come from such humble backgrounds-- and then become superstars. It is sort of like how the NBA is in the states. There so much pride around the players, where they came from--and this populist sense of acheiving a dream. Great trip...

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Reader Comments (7)

Nice post Marc! And 2 little corrections: the name of the city is São Paulo. And Brazilian people aren't that proud of its national team footballers lately. People is losing identification with many of them as they leave to Europe earlier and earlie and kind of lose connection with the country. But those young boys who dream about becoming professional players surely have these players as their biggest idols.

Jul 4, 2009 at 6:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterCow Molester

I want to go there..

Jul 6, 2009 at 11:19 AM | Unregistered Commenterdottieb

I'm a big fan, even bigger now that you`ve been in my wonderful country. keep up your outstanding job. Luv your clothes.

Jul 10, 2009 at 2:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndre da Silva

Hey !! i really like your work, keep it up..Bookmark this

Aug 13, 2009 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterPs2 games

I learnt one principle from Brazil and that is color your life to stay happy. Enjoy every moment and dont be sad, every day counts so enjoy it.

Lets celebrate fashion and lets celebrate brazil

Nov 17, 2009 at 3:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterWholesale Clothing

well.. it's like I knew!

Dec 11, 2009 at 12:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterThepGype

Really a top rating video... Not only a simple post make decision. You are great when u post a video..

Microwave Rice Cooker...

Apr 18, 2010 at 11:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterSwamy
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