

Entries in art (139)


Dirty Vegas- The art of Richard Phillips.

Album campaign for Parlophone band Dirty Vegas. The series of sleeves features paintings by New York artist Richard Phillips. Using magazine ads and gentlemens magazines as his source material, Phillips created a series of large format paintings which bring to mind hand painted murals and billboard art.

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"Running the Numbers" by artist Chris Jordan

This Chris Jordan is a scientifical art genius.   The print above depicts 32,000 Barbies, equal to the number of elective breast augmentation surgeries performed monthly in the US in 2006.  I highly, highly recommend seeing more of his work here.  Really cleaver stuff.

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Daniel Loves Objects!

Peep the portfolio of Daniel Loves Objects at Coroflot.  Amazing industrial designer.  Great vibe.


Making of a Mechanical LED sculpture ...

This was constructed at the workshop of 2D3D Ltd in Park Royal, for Roca's stand at the 100% Design show in 2008. More at


The Unfinished Swan by Ian Dallas

The Unfinished Swan - Tech Demo 9/2008 from Ian Dallas on Vimeo.

Amazing video of a conceptual First Person Shooter videogame.  The mechanic is basically like a "scartch away" game.  You could imagine this thing getting even more agro, and build up with more guns...that yield different colors and "painting" effects.

As publishers become more vulnerable to a digital distribution boom, video games will go more indie: like this game.  The game is developed by a small team in LA called Giant Sparrow.  The founder and creator is Ian Dallas. I am loving what these guys are doing!!!!!!