

Entries in geek (118)


It's all just Special Effects. "PHOTOSKETCH".

This blows my mind.  This new cloud based photoshop-like tool actually creates images based on loose briefs from the user.  Warhol rejoices this.  Picasso is spinning in his grave.  This was developed in China. Whoa.  My mind is officially smithereens.  The shit is blowing up, and they have had to take the site down due

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Whoa!--- this is a clever way to market yourself.  This little site was created as a marketing tool to promote a small agency in Minneapolis called MONOWhat a great way to spend time.  The combo's of faces you can create on this site are disturbing.  It makes my kids laugh...better than  Visit it here.


Pack a Bowl like Rube Goldberg

This shit kills me.  We are launching a Rube Goldberg-like puzzle game called "I Heart Geeks" this December.  This video is the best damn Rube Goldberg machine I have ever scene.  If it was in the Gagosian Gallery or Deitch people would call it fine art.  I love it when science meets art. Watch for the ending.  Bugged.

For those that don't know who Rube was...

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DEXTER THE GAME! It's now AVAILABLE at app store!

This is some serious self promotion, but fuck it!  We are very proud! Dexter is finally out on the iPhone and iPod touch platform.  GO TO THE APP STORE! Big Up to Icarus, Showtime, ETF, the cast of the show, Marc F., everyone who worked so hard to get this out.  Great work!

This is indie rock! If you understand the barrier to enter in the gaming universe, the iPod touch platform really is all about the indie producer. Just in time for the new season starting September 27th! Tune in!  This is my favorite show on TV.  If we had to wait to get it out on a PS3 or XBOX 360, it would have been another year at least.  For those that ask, It is indeed our ambition to get this game out on other platforms.  Looks like XBox On-Demand offers that hope as well.

Visit Dexterthegame


NFL is the USA.

"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer."
-Frank Zappa
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