

Entries in RANDOM (105)


So fucking Random. Ben Stiller?! Peep the saran wrap suit!

Wow.  Kirin beer.  I love Ben Stiller, but talk about under utilizing the guy for what he is known for?  Atleast they got it right with Michael Jackson-- but a scooter?  Maybe.


Lionel Richie-- Hello from Hong Kong.

I saw him play this past weekend.  The man has hit after hit, no doubt.  But this video cracks me up-- from a time when "video's were important" in pop culture.  I love the blind girl.  So emo.

At Bruce's party this past Saturday in Hong Kong he played his hits from the Commodores.  "Brickhouse" is a classic.


Gourmet Italian Cops nose knows.

Italy trains gourmet police officers to sniff out olive oil fraud

The last time I was in Italy, the guy I was with actually grows olives and makes his own olive oil. He claims that 90% of the olive oil we buy (around the globe) that says "made in italy", is actually made mostly from imported Spanish olives

Click to read more ...


SUNTORY Reserve Whiskey- Lost in Translation.

Wow---you think Copolla and Sean Connery really drink Japanese whiskey??  Just the fact that Kurosawa supposedly directed the Copolla commercial-- has me wanting to go buy a bottle.  Akira Kurosawa!  The legend!  Too funny.  I gotta' make a whiskey or a scotch-- for real.  My advertisements would be this weird-- that is the vibe.



Good news in the Headlines? Wow, the world is getting back to normal...

I can't beleive the headlines today. The world must be getting back to normal-- and on track to some level of positivity?! The stars must be aligning. First, Kim Kong Il is supposedly shitting the bed!?

excerpt: "Anyway, his condition isn't good. But we don't think that he's in a state where he's incapable of making any decisions at all," Aso said.

and Lindsey is still into dudes? I guess this gives me hope of fulfilling my fantasies...

excerpt:  “She has been telling everyone over and over that she’s still into guys,” a friend gushed to the New York Daily News. “She keeps saying if anything went wrong with Sam,she would date a guy next. She even flirts with guys when they go out.”

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