

Entries in work (79)


Orange you curious?

Working on Rx 2010 Fall/Holiday.

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Summer Mondays.

Feels like Monday in August. This video is epic. "Procrastination". Story, animation and direction by Johnny Kelly. Voice Over by Bryan Quinn.  See their work here.


Bye Bye Blackberry

It's official. Rim just lost another customer to Apple. I realize I'm late to the party-- but biz guys like me kept it bberry like it was a grad school diploma.

Vanessa Hudgens. Let them eat cake.

Here's was some behind the scenes from the new ad's I directed a couple months back.  She's very cool to work with.


My artwork for Anthony Zuiker's new Digi-Novel: LEVEL 26!!!!!

Congrats's to my man Anthony Zuiker! Anthony is the creator of the hit TV show CSI. He is a serious gamechanger! I was with him this Saturday on a panel at comic-con, where he introduced his new "digi-novel" to the world.

The book launches on September 8th. I did 20 illustrations inside the novel and the cover design.  When I met Anthony, I was so impressed by the concept of this 360 degree experience, that is largely digital-- that stems from a book, which is so analog-- I had to get involved.  He was and is so passionate about this project, that it is contagious.  We riffed on the idea of the book itself having the charm of a graphic novel, but the intensity of a real read.  Also, since I'm such a geek for Alice in Wonderland, I figured-- let me be his Peter Newell.  I went for a slightly naive style.  The illustrations were inspired by the text.  He would send me excerpts, and I would riff off of those.

Level 26: Dark Origins, to be published by Dutton, is the first in a series in which each book will be supplemented with 20 videos, or "cyber-bridges," featuring actors playing characters from the novel.

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