
Mon, February, 24, 2025 20:49


Entries in work (79)



I did a promo with the HBO Vampire hit show "True Blood". They reached out to us to create "faux limited edition" versions of a product-- various real world brands got in the mix(Mini Cooper, Harley, Geico...etc) exclusively for Vampires.  I am a fan of the show, so it was a cool project. 

I am in fact REALLY launching my first fragrance this fall.  So the timing was great.  So, for those that have asked or reached out to know if the product is real...yes it is, and it will be in stores this fall!  And is not for vampires. There have been so many requests at's crazy.  It's coming soon!!!!!!!

The bottle is basically a prism--made up of mirrors and it reflects on all 3 sides.  The scent has hints of grapefruit and mint.  It is super crisp and clean.

I saw this billboard HBO ran downtown in already has been bombed!  Ha!


My Playboy Shoot is on stands now...

Check one off the bucket list.  I shot for Playboy and they finally printed it.  If you want to see the "safe for web" version visit here.  I'll dig up some throw aways to post soon. It was a great experience.


Colbert is a genius...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Exclusive - Backstage with Howard Dean
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Check the video of Howard Dean plugging Complex Network!  We are so easily charmed. Nice one.  I wish it was that easy to go viral...


Food, Fashion & Fever--More Brazil

Here's some more video of my Time in Brazil.

Sao Paolo Fashion week was cool. Very well produced. It's

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I.E.D. in Sao Paolo-

I gave a speech at I.E.D. here in Sao Paolo, in preparation to promote a program we have been doing here called "Design 4 Life". The program has been based on the work of S.E.E. in the NYC, and this has been an effort to "scale" the program and reach more students. I will post more info in coming days of outcome of program. My SEE team kicked ass, as did the office here in preparing for the event for the students.

Yes. I read off of a teleprompter when I give speeches. So what. So does our President. This one was harder as I had to stop for the Portugese translator every now aand again.

At the end of the speech, one of the designers here came up to me---and flashed his ecko tattoo. Characters were really well done.

from wiki:

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