

Entries in NO (44)


Never Forget.



Joe Wilson is a tool.  FAIL.

Man-- don't shout out like a bratty school kid... Way to grab your 15 minutes dickface.  I don't care if you agree or disagree, just be respectful.  It's hard to hear at first, but yes, at 1:28 into this clip, the President of the United States was indeed heckled while addressing Congress. The outburst came from Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina, who shouted, "you lie!" as Obama argued that his health care plan would not cover illegal immigrants.


Fuck Glenn Beck.

Hhhhhhhuhhhhh?  Did he just say that? Pardon my language...but Glenn Beck can eat a dick.  He's a dooms day salesmen.  This one is way over the line.  I thought he had a high enough I.Q. to know that calling the President a racist is completely and utterly ridiculous.  He's entitled to his opinion, fair enough.  But that doesn't escape the fact that I get to call him a tool.  Eat one Glenn. 


Stephon Marbury-- This is Tragic.

It is like rubbernecking on the highway after a 12 car pile-up. Starbury TV.  You can't help but look.  This is some "Truman Show" shit. It is tragic to me really. There is something obviously way deeper, and possibly clinical here--

The author John Updike once said that “Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face. As soon as one is aware of being somebody, to be watched and listened to with extra interest, input ceases, and the performer goes blind and deaf in his over animation. One can either see or be seen.”

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REAL GANGSTERS. These guys make the Sopranos look good...

This makes me sick. But I still love my state.  You can take the boy out of Jersey, but you can't take the Jersey out of the boy.

A political consultant involved in a sweeping corruption scandal in New Jersey was found dead

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