

Entries in NO (44)


I need these like I need a second A@@hole.

So if you have Carpal tunnel syndrome, you probably can't use chopsticks. Right? I suppose these are for the extreme lazy...or shaky handed? I don't get it-- sauce dispensing chopsticks?????

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MARGARITO. Put an Asterisk on it.

Antonio Margarito and his trainer are temporarily suspended. Surprise, surprise.  I'm just saying....I was at The Cotto vs. Margarito fight in Vegas 6 months ago.  Makes you wonder if his hands were all "plastered-up" then...that explains all of Miguel's internal bleeding, etc.  Cement in the glove tape? Whoa.  By the 6th round the shit is like carrying bricks in your gloves. We will never really know.  Cheaters suck.

From Reed Saxon / Associated Press:
Boxer Antonio Margarito, photographed after Friday's weigh-in, was temporarily suspended on Wednesday after the California State Athletic Commission announced it found a "foreign substance" in the boxer's hand wraps

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Say no to Crack--

Obama is getting to keep his "Crack-berry" afterall. Supposedly it has special "security encryption". This will be the holy grail for hackers...


Too Tan---

I'm gonna' puke.  There is such a thing as too much sun people. From flickr.


Paper plane's off the 35th floor.

I tested my paper plane making chops. Not as good as Sam Fuller's Video--- but WTF, right?

Good way to start a morning.  This was at the Palm's in Vegas...Joe and George Maloof hooked me up with a great spot.

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